A reflection on being at Jugglers - Steve Falco

I look on my 3 years as a resident artist at Jugglers 103 Brunswick St, as a major influence in my development as an artist. I used to love arriving to the space in the early hours of the morning before anyone and sit in the courtyard, having a coffee, contemplating, while listening to the sound of the city wake up and the traffic begin. 

I always remember the feeling of opening the garage door, driving into the tunnel. The moment the garage door closed behind me, the outside world didn’t exist anymore. It was replaced by my safe haven of creativity, excitement and endless possibilities. 

I created the body of work for my first solo exhibition during this period. I painted one of my best ever solo pieces on the back wall. I developed my painting skills in both brush and aerosol, in that courtyard and studio. I was able to have my daughter hang out with me there and experience the magic of jugglers. I painted a tribute piece for my late grandmother there. I did countless collaborations, and forged many friendships that are still strong today, from my time at Jugglers. 

I grew as a person, interacting with people such as Pete, Katherine, Phil, Carmel, Buster, Nina, Kira, Lucks and others gave me the opportunity to enjoy the company of a diverse group of individuals who made me feel comfortable and valued. This helped develop my self confidence. 

My time at Jugglers is a part of my journey that I hold dearly in my heart.

I have attached a photo that was taken in my rear view mirror as I drove away from the space for the last time. The silhouette of Peteski at the end of the tunnel, marking my last moment at my then, art home, Jugglers. 

Steven Falco